Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Pushme-pullyou Game: Running

Not long after awakening in the Twin Flame relationship, due to many factors, many couples go through a phase of game playing.  This is characterized by a sense of panic, caused by the overwhelming and intense emotional and psychic-sexual energies that accompany the love between them.

Adding to the confusion they feel, they may feel guilt or fear if, as often happens, one or both of them is already married or in a committed relationship. It's even more difficult if children are involved.

To make matters worse, they will most likely be judged and criticized harshly by family and friends, and condemned by religious leaders and doctrines. This in itself is enough to cause running.

In this internet age, it is becoming fairly common for  the Twins to be from  other cities, states,
countries, or even continents and hemispheres. So this adds the complications of cultural differences in the context of a long-distance relationship.

In our case, we are affected by all of the above. It has been  the most challenging relationship either of us has ever had.

With all the complications and obstacles, is it any wonder that Twins try to run away from their Twin?

1 comment:

  1. Since I first wrote this, I have realized that running and chasing isn't always true, nor necessary. In our case, we have not run from each other. We have had our ups and downs, but we have not run. We have completely accepted and acknowledged our connection, and have never denied our love for each other. We chose instead to love each other, support each other, work and learn together, and stay in contact with other, unlike many Twins who run, disappear for weeks, months, or years, with no warning, and cut off all contact. We are in contact several times a week.
