- Mark and MeSynchronicities will be abundant. You may find yourselves calling, emailing and texting one another at the exact same time... This happens all the time.
- You may also find yourselves buying each other the same gifts...Under the circumstances, we haven't bought gifts for each other, but we like the same things.The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for some spiritual purpose... This seems to be the case.It feels as though you have been awakened since your reunion occurred. You feel more alive than you've ever felt...Yes, we both feel more alive, more vibrant, and happier. He said I have given him more confidence, too.Trust, patience and acceptance of each other’s weaknesses happen automatically.You will never use that weakness against your twin in anger or hurt... This is trueYou recognize there is a deeper spirituality that you manifest and will find your higher self. You will gain knowledge of what your souls higher purpose is and will serve for that purpose. .. We are learning together.In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other... Yes, so true
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Our Twin Flame Story
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
The Pushme-pullyou Game: Running
Not long after awakening in the Twin Flame relationship, due to many factors, many couples go through a phase of game playing. This is characterized by a sense of panic, caused by the overwhelming and intense emotional and psychic-sexual energies that accompany the love between them.
Adding to the confusion they feel, they may feel guilt or fear if, as often happens, one or both of them is already married or in a committed relationship. It's even more difficult if children are involved.
To make matters worse, they will most likely be judged and criticized harshly by family and friends, and condemned by religious leaders and doctrines. This in itself is enough to cause running.
In this internet age, it is becoming fairly common for the Twins to be from other cities, states,
countries, or even continents and hemispheres. So this adds the complications of cultural differences in the context of a long-distance relationship.
In our case, we are affected by all of the above. It has been the most challenging relationship either of us has ever had.
With all the complications and obstacles, is it any wonder that Twins try to run away from their Twin?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Twin Flames
There are many signs and symptoms that indicate a Twin Flame relationship. These are some of the signs:
1. Your Consciousness actually starts to... merge with Divine Consciousness and you do not even know it at first. You just FEEL somehow, something, Greater is happening. If you allow it too, it can even direct the body. Kind of like Intuitive Doing~
Your Consciousness actually starts to... merge with Divine Consciousness and you do not even know it at first. You just FEEL somehow, something, Greater is happening. If you allow it too, it can even direct the body. Kind of like Intuitive Doing~
Well, this is interesting! I was trying to copy-paste the signs of the Twin Flame, but this came up instead. Must be a message from the Universe for me. So, I'll try again.
An overwhelming sense of love and attraction
A sense of completion that goes beyond words.
A magnetism to the other stronger than anything you have ever experienced
You will complement one another
The ability to literally feel one another whether you are with or without your partner
A feeling that you are so close you just might feel related - like a brother or a sister
A complete and total breakdown of your lives as you knew them upon finding one another
power to touch the other without physical means from great distances
Over the course of your life you may have dreams of a "mystery man/woman."
Synchronicities will be abundant. You may find yourselves calling, emailing and texting one another at the exact same time You may also find yourselves buying each other the same gifts.
You may feel your heart wanting to jump out of your chest at the sound of his or her voice.
The ability to feel each others emotions, whether they be happy or sad ones, from great distances
The ability to contact one another through meditation and have the same experience together
The desire to be with one another no matter what the obstacle blocking your way
The ability to dream of your partner in their current state and verify the accuracy of that dream, later
You may notice the ability to collapse time as you knew it. Upon your coming together, time itself will cease to exist
When you and your partner are out and about, you may notice the eyes of everyone are upon you. Your love for one another will shine so greatly, that it is not uncommon for the eyes of everyone to be upon the two of you...
You may find yourselves completing each others sentences, sometimes even before you have the chance to begin them..
Upon connecting with your twin flame or soulmate, you may find that you are practically mirror images of one another and that you may want to even run from your partner because of the things you see in yourself from the reflection of his/her eyes...
If you currently live apart, (even at great distances) you may notice the power to be sexually intimate without ever even physically touching the other...
You may notice that any of your bad habits, ie. smoking, drinking, or whatever they be, will adversely effect you. Even in your diet, food that you used to be able to eat, will have to be set aside...
You may find that certain dates in your lives, ie. birthdays or the even the day you met, will fit perfectly into the Fibonacci Sequence or the number 11 11.
A realization that this isn't the first time the two of you have met... Past life experiences!
If the both of you are artistic, you may discover that you have been drawn to the same tastes in art or have been drawing the same symbols long before your Twin Flame reunification...
The individual twins become more as one, without losing their unique identities...
There may be obstacles to overcome but there are no barriers between twin flames. The relationship is a totally open one...
You may meet through unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected...
The two of you know without doubt that you have been brought together for some spiritual purpose...
It feels as though you have been awakened since your reunion occurred. You feel more alive than you've ever felt...
You give to the other and never think of receiving in return. Giving is the nature of the twin flame relationship and you feel the rewards in your giving...
There is a strong sense you will be together for all eternity... even when you pass on in this life...
The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together...
There is a very sacred sense of intimacy and feeling of divinely inspired wholeness that one finds within a twin soul relationship. It is not by accident nor is it without purpose. Rather, it is a magnificent and loving part of our Creator’s plan for us...
You still have karma with your twin from previous lives, but the two of you resolve it all with total forgiveness and unconditional love...
There is nothing hidden between the two of you. You don't hide secrets. You are truthful and respectful to one another...
Your conversations seem to go on forever. There is nothing you won't discuss with your twin flame...
There is no need to build walls or barriers between one another from pain or fear the other causes. Your twin will treat you like someone sacred...
The two of you are inseparable. No matter if there are distances between you physically there is no distance for the twin souls...
Neither one of you are dependent on the other for your sense of self. You know who you are with or without your twin flame in the physical...
Trust, patience and acceptance of each other’s weaknesses happen automatically.You will never use that weakness against your twin in anger or hurt...
There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything you’ve ever experienced before.You feel a deep sense of sacredness and unity with God that you’ve have never known before...
There are no restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need for ownership or control...
You will feel inspired to create and your twin flame inspires your creativity...
You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than who you are. You love each other for their individuality and uniqueness. You understand that some things are better left to your twin's strengths rather than competing...
You recognize there is a deeper spirituality that you manifest and will find your higher self. You will gain knowledge of what your souls higher purpose is and will serve for that purpose. .. In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other...
You will recognize you two are Godmates. You will know you are one with everything in the universe and beyond...
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Ascension Starting?
Signs and symptoms of awakening:
1.dizziness and light-headedness
2.sudden bursts of energy followed by extreme fatigue-
I can be up for hours at a time, on very little sleep, and then suddenly lose all energy to the point of near collapse.
3.seeing colors when I close my eyes.So far, I see blue and turquoise.
4.feeling like I don't fit my body, like I am taller and expanded
5.losing interest in less positive people and activities, forums, etc.
6.I'm beginning to hear the high-pitched tone in my ear again.
7.Not being very hungry, but being very thirsty. I learned a hard lesson on the weekend, caused by not drinking enough water. Apparently, I had a kidney or bladder infection, and I have never had pain like that in my life. It was worse than labor. I had to drink a lot of water, take cranberry capsules, and take Alleve for the pain. I hope I never go through that again.
8.When I do eat, I'm often dizzy right after eating.
9.my feet have been swelling lately, especially my right one. Not sure if that is one of the signs or symptoms or not. It could be from lack of exercise, and staying on the computer too long at a time.
10.my perception of truth is changing and I am opening up to new concepts
11.my emotions are changing, becoming more detached, more loving, less critical
Thursday, June 23, 2011
A New Blog for a New Age
If I must categorize myself now, I would say I am a New Age Christian. Too many things have happened this past year to just be coincidence. I really feel like God has been leading me, and is calling me back to my purpose. It's an exciting feeling, and I'm looking forward to learning more each day.
The tools, resources and companions are all in place, and I just need to continue on course now that I'm back. I've even changed my name back to Astranda on the new network I'm on. So much has happened, I can't wait to share it all here.