I've been reading and watching You Tube videos about 2012 and ascension. I've also started meditating. I'm beginning to feel like maybe I am beginning the process of awakening. There are a lot of signs and symptoms, and I feel some of them in my body.
Signs and symptoms of awakening:
1.dizziness and light-headedness
2.sudden bursts of energy followed by extreme fatigue-
I can be up for hours at a time, on very little sleep, and then suddenly lose all energy to the point of near collapse.
3.seeing colors when I close my eyes.So far, I see blue and turquoise.
4.feeling like I don't fit my body, like I am taller and expanded
5.losing interest in less positive people and activities, forums, etc.
6.I'm beginning to hear the high-pitched tone in my ear again.
7.Not being very hungry, but being very thirsty. I learned a hard lesson on the weekend, caused by not drinking enough water. Apparently, I had a kidney or bladder infection, and I have never had pain like that in my life. It was worse than labor. I had to drink a lot of water, take cranberry capsules, and take Alleve for the pain. I hope I never go through that again.
8.When I do eat, I'm often dizzy right after eating.
9.my feet have been swelling lately, especially my right one. Not sure if that is one of the signs or symptoms or not. It could be from lack of exercise, and staying on the computer too long at a time.
10.my perception of truth is changing and I am opening up to new concepts
11.my emotions are changing, becoming more detached, more loving, less critical